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Turban swag with bell cascade and straight-hang panels.

Designed by the client

This treatment is unusual because turban swags are usually designed in pairs with the upswoop in the center to mimic a turban wrap.

These turban swags are over 70" wide. They are fabricated from a heavy cream damask with a light green banding forming the bottom two folds. They have two layers of interlining: flannel and black sateen.

Extremely elegant, but scroll down to learn the lesson I learned on this job.


Because these swags were so wide, a single width of fabric would not suffice. I debated railroading the fabric. However, because it was a sateen damask and had panels hanging vertically below it, I did not want to risk a change in color or shading by turning the fabric sideways. Therefore, they had to be seamed.

Ordinarily, the seams in a swag are high in the folds and cannot be easily seen. Unfortunately, these seams, though trimmed very close, created a brown shadow on each of the swags. It was distracting and unacceptable to the client - and rightly so. The sun also caused the eggshell fabric to look very yellow, also unacceptable.

We had hoped that the interlining would help to hide the seams, but it did not. Light flannel interlining only helps to add body to a treatment, it does not stop the light from coming thru the fabric and does not help to hide seams.

I took the treatments back to the workroom and took them apart. I added a layer of black sateen lining between the interlining and lining. The end result are beautiful. The seams in the swags have disappeared and the true eggshell color of the damask is preserved.



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