Swag Dressing Template.
Designed by Beth Hodges
Beth Hodges, a leading industry instructor, designed the Swag Dressing Template for her workroom to aid in dressing pleated swags to perfect length and width. While it performs that function quite well, I have found it to be a valuable tool in the workroom for drafting patterns and pinning treatments of many different varieties.
All swagged treatments:
Use the template to quickly drape weight chain to simulate the bottom curve lengths and cutouts for swags of any shape and Kingston valances. Vertical lines help you to measure and pin Austrian swags too.
Balloon shades and relaxed romans
Use the template to quickly drape weight chain to simulate the bottom swoops of these shades. You can control the finished long point and short point of your shades, especially if there are multiple shades in a room with slightly different widths. Drape the chain, using the numbers on the template to simulate the desired width and length of the swoop(s) on a shade. Measure the chain and use that measure to space the rings. This is a precise method of ensuring all swoops in multiple shades in a room are the same.
Pin flat valances to the template to verify their finished width. Use the template to pin pleated valances. The measures on the template help you ensure your valance is the correct finished width. Vertical lines on the template ensure the valance is hanging straight at the sides.
The Swag Dressing Template is stapled to the pinnable wall in my workroom as a permanent fixture. It is easy to access, yet stays out of the way when working on other projects over it.
The Swag Dressing Template is a definite bonus in any workroom as it significantly increases the efficiency and precision of pattern drafting and pleating finished swags and valances.
To purchase, click here.
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